Source code for dolfin.function.specialfunctions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Anders Logg
# This file is part of DOLFIN (
# SPDX-License-Identifier:    LGPL-3.0-or-later
"""Some special functions"""

import ufl

from dolfin import cpp

[docs]def FacetNormal(mesh: cpp.mesh.Mesh) -> ufl.FacetNormal: """Return symbolic facet normal for given mesh. *Example of usage* .. code-block:: python mesh = UnitSquare(4,4) n = FacetNormal(mesh) """ return ufl.FacetNormal(mesh.ufl_domain())
[docs]def CellDiameter(mesh: cpp.mesh.Mesh) -> ufl.CellDiameter: r"""Return function cell diameter for given mesh. Note that diameter of cell :math:`K` is defined as :math:`\sup_{\mathbf{x, y} \in K} |\mathbf{x - y}|`. *Example of usage* .. code-block:: python mesh = UnitSquare(4,4) h = CellDiameter(mesh) """ return ufl.CellDiameter(mesh.ufl_domain())
[docs]def CellVolume(mesh: cpp.mesh.Mesh) -> ufl.CellVolume: """Return symbolic cell volume for given mesh. *Example of usage* .. code-block:: python mesh = UnitSquare(4,4) vol = CellVolume(mesh) """ return ufl.CellVolume(mesh.ufl_domain())
[docs]def SpatialCoordinate(mesh: cpp.mesh.Mesh) -> ufl.SpatialCoordinate: """Return symbolic physical coordinates for given mesh. *Example of usage* .. code-block:: python mesh = UnitSquare(4,4) x = SpatialCoordinate(mesh) """ return ufl.SpatialCoordinate(mesh.ufl_domain())
[docs]def CellNormal(mesh: cpp.mesh.Mesh) -> ufl.CellNormal: """Return symbolic cell normal for given manifold mesh. *Example of usage* .. code-block:: python mesh = UnitSquare(4,4) n = CellNormal(mesh) """ return ufl.CellNormal(mesh.ufl_domain())
[docs]def Circumradius(mesh: cpp.mesh.Mesh) -> ufl.Circumradius: """Return symbolic cell circumradius for given mesh. *Example of usage* .. code-block:: python mesh = UnitSquare(4,4) R = Circumradius(mesh) """ return ufl.Circumradius(mesh.ufl_domain())
[docs]def MinCellEdgeLength(mesh: cpp.mesh.Mesh) -> ufl.MinCellEdgeLength: """Return symbolic minimum cell edge length of a cell for given mesh. *Example of usage* .. code-block:: python mesh = UnitSquare(4,4) mince = MinCellEdgeLength(mesh) """ return ufl.MinCellEdgeLength(mesh.ufl_domain())
[docs]def MaxCellEdgeLength(mesh: cpp.mesh.Mesh) -> ufl.MaxCellEdgeLength: """Return symbolic maximum cell edge length of a cell for given mesh. *Example of usage* .. code-block:: python mesh = UnitSquare(4,4) maxce = MaxCellEdgeLength(mesh) """ return ufl.MaxCellEdgeLength(mesh.ufl_domain())
[docs]def MinFacetEdgeLength(mesh: cpp.mesh.Mesh) -> ufl.MinFacetEdgeLength: """Return symbolic minimum facet edge length of a cell for given mesh. *Example of usage* .. code-block:: python mesh = UnitSquare(4,4) vol = MinFacetEdgeLength(mesh) """ return ufl.MinFacetEdgeLength(mesh.ufl_domain())
[docs]def MaxFacetEdgeLength(mesh: cpp.mesh.Mesh) -> ufl.MaxFacetEdgeLength: """Return symbolic maximum facet edge length of a cell for given mesh. *Example of usage* .. code-block:: python mesh = UnitSquare(4,4) maxfe = MaxFacetEdgeLength(mesh) """ return ufl.MaxFacetEdgeLength(mesh.ufl_domain())