Source code for dolfin.function.functionspace

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Chris N. Richardson and Garth N. Wells
# This file is part of DOLFIN (
# SPDX-License-Identifier:    LGPL-3.0-or-later

import typing

import cffi

import ufl
from dolfin import cpp, jit
from dolfin.fem import dofmap

[docs]class ElementMetaData(typing.NamedTuple): """Data for representing a finite element""" family: str degree: int form_degree: typing.Optional[int] = None # noqa
[docs]class FunctionSpace(ufl.FunctionSpace): """A space on which Functions (fields) can be defined.""" def __init__(self, mesh: cpp.mesh.Mesh, element: typing.Union[ufl.FiniteElementBase, ElementMetaData], cppV: typing.Optional[cpp.function.FunctionSpace] = None): """Create a finite element function space.""" # Create function space from a UFL element and existing cpp # FunctionSpace if cppV is not None: assert mesh is None ufl_domain = cppV.mesh.ufl_domain() super().__init__(ufl_domain, element) self._cpp_object = cppV return # Initialise the ufl.FunctionSpace if isinstance(element, ufl.FiniteElementBase): super().__init__(mesh.ufl_domain(), element) else: e = ElementMetaData(*element) ufl_element = ufl.FiniteElement(, mesh.ufl_cell(),, form_degree=e.form_degree) super().__init__(mesh.ufl_domain(), ufl_element) # Compile dofmap and element and create DOLFIN objects ufc_element, ufc_dofmap_ptr = jit.ffc_jit( self.ufl_element(), form_compiler_parameters=None, mpi_comm=mesh.mpi_comm()) ffi = cffi.FFI() ufc_element = dofmap.make_ufc_finite_element(ffi.cast("uintptr_t", ufc_element)) cpp_element = cpp.fem.FiniteElement(ufc_element) ufc_dofmap = dofmap.make_ufc_dofmap(ffi.cast("uintptr_t", ufc_dofmap_ptr)) cpp_dofmap = cpp.fem.create_dofmap(ufc_dofmap, mesh) # Initialize the cpp.FunctionSpace self._cpp_object = cpp.function.FunctionSpace(mesh, cpp_element, cpp_dofmap)
[docs] def dolfin_element(self): """Return the DOLFIN element.""" return self._cpp_object.element
[docs] def num_sub_spaces(self): """Return the number of sub spaces.""" return self.dolfin_element().num_sub_elements()
[docs] def sub(self, i: int): """Return the i-th sub space.""" assert self.ufl_element().num_sub_elements() > i sub_element = self.ufl_element().sub_elements()[i] cppV_sub = self._cpp_object.sub([i]) return FunctionSpace(None, sub_element, cppV_sub)
[docs] def component(self): """Return the component relative to the parent space.""" return self._cpp_object.component()
[docs] def contains(self, V): """Check whether a function is in the FunctionSpace.""" return self._cpp_object.contains(V._cpp_object)
def __contains__(self, u): """Check whether a function is in the FunctionSpace.""" try: return u._in(self._cpp_object) except AttributeError: try: return u._cpp_object._in(self._cpp_object) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError( "Unable to check if object is in FunctionSpace ({})". format(e)) def __eq__(self, other): """Comparison for equality.""" return super().__eq__(other) and self._cpp_object == other._cpp_object def __ne__(self, other): """Comparison for inequality.""" return super().__ne__(other) or self._cpp_object != other._cpp_object def ufl_cell(self): return self._cpp_object.mesh.ufl_cell() def ufl_function_space(self): return self @property def dim(self) -> int: return self._cpp_object.dim @property def id(self) -> int: return @property def element(self): return self._cpp_object.element @property def dofmap(self) -> dofmap.DofMap: """Return the degree-of-freedom map associated with the function space.""" return dofmap.DofMap(self._cpp_object.dofmap) @property def mesh(self): """Return the mesh on which the function space is defined.""" return self._cpp_object.mesh def set_x(self, basis, x, component): return self._cpp_object.set_x(basis, x, component)
[docs] def collapse(self, collapsed_dofs: bool = False): """Collapse a subspace and return a new function space and a map from new to old dofs. *Arguments* collapsed_dofs Return the map from new to old dofs *Returns* _FunctionSpace_ The new function space. dict The map from new to old dofs (optional) """ cpp_space, dofs = self._cpp_object.collapse() V = FunctionSpace(None, self.ufl_element(), cpp_space) if collapsed_dofs: return V, dofs else: return V
def tabulate_dof_coordinates(self): return self._cpp_object.tabulate_dof_coordinates()
[docs]def VectorFunctionSpace(mesh: cpp.mesh.Mesh, element: ElementMetaData, dim=None, restriction=None): """Create vector finite element (composition of scalar elements) function space.""" e = ElementMetaData(*element) ufl_element = ufl.VectorElement(, mesh.ufl_cell(),, form_degree=e.form_degree, dim=dim) return FunctionSpace(mesh, ufl_element)
[docs]def TensorFunctionSpace(mesh: cpp.mesh.Mesh, element: ElementMetaData, shape=None, symmetry: bool = None, restriction=None): """Create tensor finite element (composition of scalar elements) function space.""" e = ElementMetaData(*element) ufl_element = ufl.TensorElement(, mesh.ufl_cell(),, shape, symmetry) return FunctionSpace(mesh, ufl_element)