Source code for dolfin.function.argument

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Johan Hake, Chris N. Richardson and Garth N. Wells
# This file is part of DOLFIN (
# SPDX-License-Identifier:    LGPL-3.0-or-later
"""Interface for UFL and DOLFN form arguments"""

import ufl
from dolfin.function.functionspace import FunctionSpace

# # TODO: Update this message to clarify dolfin.FunctionSpace vs
# # ufl.FunctionSpace
# _ufl_dolfin_difference_message = """\ When constructing an Argument, TestFunction or TrialFunction, you
# must to provide a FunctionSpace and not a FiniteElement.  The
# FiniteElement class provided by ufl only represents an abstract finite
# element space and is only used in standalone .ufl files, while the
# FunctionSpace provides a full discrete function space over a given
# mesh and should be used in dolfin programs in Python.  """

[docs]class Argument(ufl.Argument): """Representation of an argument to a form""" def __init__(self, V: FunctionSpace, number: int, part: int = None): """Create a UFL/DOLFIN Argument""" ufl.Argument.__init__(self, V.ufl_function_space(), number, part) self._V = V
[docs] def function_space(self): """Return the FunctionSpace""" return self._V
def __eq__(self, other: 'Argument'): """Extending UFL __eq__ here to distinguish test and trial functions in different function spaces with same ufl element. """ return (isinstance(other, Argument) and self.number() == other.number() and self.part() == other.part() and self._V == other._V) def __hash__(self): return ufl.Argument.__hash__(self)
[docs]def TestFunction(V: FunctionSpace, part: int = None): """Create a test function argument to a form""" return Argument(V, 0, part)
[docs]def TrialFunction(V: FunctionSpace, part: int = None): """UFL value: Create a trial function argument to a form.""" return Argument(V, 1, part)
[docs]def TestFunctions(V: FunctionSpace): """Create a TestFunction in a mixed space, and return a tuple with the function components corresponding to the subelements. """ return ufl.split(TestFunction(V))
[docs]def TrialFunctions(V: FunctionSpace): """Create a TrialFunction in a mixed space, and return a tuple with the function components corresponding to the subelements. """ return ufl.split(TrialFunction(V))