

compile_class(cpp_data) Compile a user C(++) string or set of statements to a Python object
dijitso_jit(*args, **kwargs)
ffc_jit(ufl_form[, form_compiler_parameters])
mpi_jit_decorator(local_jit, *args, **kwargs) A decorator for jit compilation

Compile a user C(++) string or set of statements to a Python object

cpp_data is a dict containing:
“name”: must be “expression” “statements”: must be a string, or list/tuple of strings “properties”: a dict of float properties “jit_generate”: callable (generates cpp code with this dict as input)
dolfin.jit.jit.mpi_jit_decorator(local_jit, *args, **kwargs)[source]

A decorator for jit compilation

Use this function as a decorator to any jit compiler function. In a parallel run, this function will first call the jit compilation function on the first process. When this is done, and the module is in the cache, it will call the jit compiler on the remaining processes, which will then use the cached module.

def jit_something(something):