
Collection of functions and function spaces


TensorFunctionSpace(mesh, element[, shape, …])

Create tensor finite element (composition of scalar elements) function space.

VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, element[, dim, …])

Create vector finite element (composition of scalar elements) function space.


Constant(domain, c)

A constant with respect to a domain.


Data for representing a finite element

Function(V[, x, name])

A finite element function that is represented by a function space (domain, element and dofmap) and a vector holding the degrees-of-freedom

FunctionSpace(mesh, element[, cppV])

A space on which Functions (fields) can be defined.

class dolfin.function.Constant(domain, c: Union[numpy.ndarray, Sequence, float])[source]

Bases: ufl.constant.Constant

A constant with respect to a domain.

  • domain (DOLFIN or UFL mesh) –

  • c – Value of the constant.

property value

Returns value of the constant.

class dolfin.function.ElementMetaData[source]

Bases: tuple

Data for representing a finite element

Create new instance of ElementMetaData(family, degree, form_degree)

property degree

Alias for field number 1

property family

Alias for field number 0

property form_degree

Alias for field number 2

class dolfin.function.Function(V: dolfin.function.FunctionSpace, x: Optional[petsc4py.PETSc.Vec] = None, name: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: ufl.coefficient.Coefficient

A finite element function that is represented by a function space (domain, element and dofmap) and a vector holding the degrees-of-freedom

Initialize finite element Function.


Return a copy of the Function. The FunctionSpace is shared and the degree-of-freedom vector is copied.

eval(x: numpy.ndarray, cells: numpy.ndarray, u=None) → numpy.ndarray[source]

Evaluate Function at points x, where x has shape (num_points, 3), and cells has shape (num_points,) and cell[i] is the index of the cell containing point x[i]. If the cell index is negative the point is ignored.

property function_space

Return the FunctionSpace

property id

Return object id index.

interpolate(u) → None[source]

Interpolate an expression

property name

Name of the Function.


Extract any sub functions.

A sub function can be extracted from a discrete function that is in a mixed, vector, or tensor FunctionSpace. The sub function resides in the subspace of the mixed space.

sub(i: int)[source]

Return a sub function.

The sub functions are numbered from i = 0..N-1, where N is the total number of sub spaces.

ufl_evaluate(x, component, derivatives)[source]

Function used by ufl to evaluate the Expression

property vector

Return the vector holding Function degrees-of-freedom.

class dolfin.function.FunctionSpace(mesh: dolfin.cpp.mesh.Mesh, element: Union[ufl.finiteelement.finiteelementbase.FiniteElementBase, dolfin.function.ElementMetaData], cppV: Optional[dolfin.cpp.function.FunctionSpace] = None)[source]

Bases: ufl.functionspace.FunctionSpace

A space on which Functions (fields) can be defined.

Create a finite element function space.

clone() → dolfin.function.FunctionSpace[source]

Return a new FunctionSpace \(W\) which shares data with this FunctionSpace \(V\), but with a different unique integer ID.

This function is helpful for defining mixed problems and using blocked linear algebra. For example, a matrix block defined on the spaces \(V \times W\) where, \(V\) and \(W\) are defined on the same finite element and mesh can be identified as an off-diagonal block whereas the \(V \times V\) and \(V \times V\) matrices can be identified as diagonal blocks. This is relevant for the handling of boundary conditions.

collapse(collapsed_dofs: bool = False)[source]
Collapse a subspace and return a new function space and a map from

new to old dofs.


Return the map from new to old dofs


The new function space.


The map from new to old dofs (optional)


Return the component relative to the parent space.

contains(V) → bool[source]

Check whether a FunctionSpace is in this FunctionSpace, or is the same as this FunctionSpace.

property dofmap

Return the degree-of-freedom map associated with the function space.


Return the DOLFIN element.

property id

The unique identifier

property mesh

Return the mesh on which the function space is defined.

num_sub_spaces() → int[source]

Return the number of sub spaces.

sub(i: int) → dolfin.function.FunctionSpace[source]

Return the i-th sub space.

ufl_function_space() → ufl.functionspace.FunctionSpace[source]

Return the UFL function space

dolfin.function.TensorFunctionSpace(mesh: dolfin.cpp.mesh.Mesh, element: dolfin.function.ElementMetaData, shape=None, symmetry: bool = None, restriction=None) → dolfin.function.FunctionSpace[source]

Create tensor finite element (composition of scalar elements) function space.

dolfin.function.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh: dolfin.cpp.mesh.Mesh, element: dolfin.function.ElementMetaData, dim=None, restriction=None) → dolfin.function.FunctionSpace[source]

Create vector finite element (composition of scalar elements) function space.