
class dolfin.cpp.fem.LocalAssembler

Bases: object

Assembly of local cell tensors. Used by the adaptivity and LocalSolver functionality in dolfin. The local assembly functionality provided here is also wrapped as a free function assemble_local(form_a, cell) in Python for easier usage. Used from C++ the versions defined below will be faster than the free function as less objects need to be created and thrown away

static assemble(A, ufc, coordinate_dofs, ufc_cell, cell, cell_domains, exterior_facet_domains, interior_facet_domains)

Assemble a local tensor on a cell

static assemble_cell(A, ufc, coordinate_dofs, ufc_cell, cell, cell_domains)

Worker method called by assemble() to perform assembly of volume integrals (dx)

static assemble_exterior_facet(A, ufc, coordinate_dofs, ufc_cell, cell, facet, local_facet, exterior_facet_domains)

Worker method called by assemble() for each of the cell’s external facets to perform assembly of external facet integrals (ds)

static assemble_interior_facet(A, ufc, coordinate_dofs, ufc_cell, cell, facet, local_facet, interior_facet_domains, cell_domains)

Worker method called by assemble() for each of the cell’s internal facets to perform assembly of internal facet integrals (dS)


The membership flag