

The documentation on this page was automatically extracted from the DOLFIN C++ code and may need to be edited or expanded.

class EigenVector

Parent class(es)

This class provides a simple vector class based on Eigen. It is a simple wrapper for a Eigen vector implementing the GenericVector interface.

The interface is intentionally simple. For advanced usage, access the underlying Eigen vector and use the standard Eigen interface which is documented at http://eigen.tuxfamily.org


Create empty vector (on MPI_COMM_SELF)

explicit EigenVector(MPI_Comm comm)

Create empty vector

EigenVector(MPI_Comm comm, std::size_t N)

Create vector of size N

EigenVector(const EigenVector &x)

Copy constructor

explicit EigenVector(std::shared_ptr<Eigen::VectorXd> x)

Construct vector from an Eigen shared_ptr

void zero()

Set all entries to zero and keep any sparse structure

void apply(std::string mode)

Finalize assembly of tensor

MPI_Comm mpi_comm() const

Return MPI communicator

std::string str(bool verbose) const

Return informal string representation (pretty-print)

std::shared_ptr<GenericVector> copy() const

Create copy of tensor

void init(MPI_Comm comm, std::size_t N)

Initialize vector to size N

void init(MPI_Comm comm, std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t> range)

Resize vector with given ownership range

void init(MPI_Comm comm, std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t> range, const std::vector<std::size_t> &local_to_global_map, const std::vector<la_index> &ghost_indices)

Resize vector with given ownership range and with ghost values

bool empty() const

Return true if vector is empty

std::size_t size() const

Return true if vector is empty

std::size_t local_size() const

Return local size of vector

std::pair<std::int64_t, std::int64_t> local_range() const

Return local ownership range of a vector

bool owns_index(std::size_t i) const

Determine whether global vector index is owned by this process

void get(double *block, std::size_t m, const dolfin::la_index *rows) const

Get block of values using global indices

void get_local(double *block, std::size_t m, const dolfin::la_index *rows) const

Get block of values using local indices

void set(const double *block, std::size_t m, const dolfin::la_index *rows)

Set block of values using global indices

void set_local(const double *block, std::size_t m, const dolfin::la_index *rows)

Set block of values using local indices

void add(const double *block, std::size_t m, const dolfin::la_index *rows)

Add block of values using global indices

void add_local(const double *block, std::size_t m, const dolfin::la_index *rows)

Add block of values using local indices

void get_local(std::vector<double> &values) const

Get all values on local process

void set_local(const std::vector<double> &values)

Set all values on local process

void add_local(const Array<double> &values)

Add values to each entry on local process

void gather(GenericVector &x, const std::vector<dolfin::la_index> &indices) const

Gather entries into local vector x

void gather(std::vector<double> &x, const std::vector<dolfin::la_index> &indices) const

Gather entries into x

void gather_on_zero(std::vector<double> &x) const

Gather all entries into x on process 0

void axpy(double a, const GenericVector &x)

Add multiple of given vector (AXPY operation)

void abs()

Replace all entries in the vector by their absolute values

double inner(const GenericVector &x) const

Return inner product with given vector

double norm(std::string norm_type) const

Compute norm of vector

double min() const

Return minimum value of vector

double max() const

Return maximum value of vector

double sum() const

Return sum of values of vector

double sum(const Array<std::size_t> &rows) const

Return sum of selected rows in vector. Repeated entries are only summed once.

const EigenVector &operator*=(double a)

Multiply vector by given number

const EigenVector &operator*=(const GenericVector &x)

Multiply vector by another vector pointwise

const EigenVector &operator/=(double a)

Divide vector by given number

const EigenVector &operator+=(const GenericVector &x)

Add given vector

const EigenVector &operator+=(double a)

Add number to all components of a vector

const EigenVector &operator-=(const GenericVector &x)

Subtract given vector

const EigenVector &operator-=(double a)

Subtract number from all components of a vector

const GenericVector &operator=(const GenericVector &x)

Assignment operator

const EigenVector &operator=(double a)

Assignment operator

GenericLinearAlgebraFactory &factory() const

Return linear algebra backend factory

void resize(std::size_t N)

Resize vector to size N

const Eigen::VectorXd &vec() const

Return reference to Eigen vector (const version)

Eigen::VectorXd &vec()

Return reference to Eigen vector (non-const version)

double operator[](dolfin::la_index i) const

Access value of given entry (const version)

double &operator[](dolfin::la_index i)

Access value of given entry (non-const version)

const EigenVector &operator=(const EigenVector &x)

Assignment operator

double *data()

Return pointer to underlying data

const double *data() const

Return pointer to underlying data (const version)