

The documentation on this page was automatically extracted from the DOLFIN C++ code and may need to be edited or expanded.

class GraphBuilder

This class builds a Graph corresponding to various objects

static Graph local_graph(const Mesh &mesh, const GenericDofMap &dofmap0, const GenericDofMap &dofmap1)

Build local graph from dofmap

static Graph local_graph(const Mesh &mesh, const std::vector<std::size_t> &coloring_type)

Build local graph from mesh (general version)

static Graph local_graph(const Mesh &mesh, std::size_t dim0, std::size_t dim1)

Build local graph (specialized version)

static std::pair<std::int32_t, std::int32_t> compute_dual_graph(const MPI_Comm mpi_comm, const boost::multi_array<std::int64_t, 2> &cell_vertices, const CellType &cell_type, const std::int64_t num_global_vertices, std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>> &local_graph, std::set<std::int64_t> &ghost_vertices)

Build distributed dual graph (cell-cell connections) from minimal mesh data, and return (num local edges, num non-local edges)