

The documentation on this page was automatically extracted from the DOLFIN C++ code and may need to be edited or expanded.

class MultiMeshDirichletBC

This class is used to set Dirichlet boundary conditions for multimesh function spaces.

MultiMeshDirichletBC(std::shared_ptr<const MultiMeshFunctionSpace> V, std::shared_ptr<const GenericFunction> g, std::shared_ptr<const SubDomain> sub_domain, std::string method = "topological", bool check_midpoint = true, bool exclude_overlapped_boundaries = true)

Create boundary condition for subdomain

V (MultiMeshFunctionSpace)
The function space
g (GenericFunction)
The value
sub_domain (SubDomain)
The subdomain
method (std::string)
Option passed to DirichletBC.
check_midpoint (bool)
Option passed to DirichletBC.
exclude_overlapped_boundaries (bool)
If true, then the variable on_boundary will be set to false for facets that are overlapped by another mesh (irrespective of the layering order of the meshes).
MultiMeshDirichletBC(std::shared_ptr<const MultiMeshFunctionSpace> V, std::shared_ptr<const GenericFunction> g, std::shared_ptr<const MeshFunction<std::size_t>> sub_domains, std::size_t sub_domain, std::size_t part, std::string method = "topological")

Create boundary condition for subdomain specified by index

V (FunctionSpace)
The function space.
g (GenericFunction)
The value.
sub_domains (MeshFunction <std::size_t>)
Subdomain markers
sub_domain (std::size_t)
The subdomain index (number)
part (std::size_t)
The part on which to set boundary conditions
method (std::string)
Optional argument: A string specifying the method to identify dofs.
void apply(GenericMatrix &A) const

Apply boundary condition to a matrix

A (GenericMatrix)
The matrix to apply boundary condition to.
void apply(GenericVector &b) const

Apply boundary condition to a vector

b (GenericVector)
The vector to apply boundary condition to.
void apply(GenericMatrix &A, GenericVector &b) const

Apply boundary condition to a linear system

A (GenericMatrix)
The matrix to apply boundary condition to.
b (GenericVector)
The vector to apply boundary condition to.
void apply(GenericVector &b, const GenericVector &x) const

Apply boundary condition to vectors for a nonlinear problem

b (GenericVector)
The vector to apply boundary conditions to.
x (GenericVector)
Another vector (nonlinear problem).
void apply(GenericMatrix &A, GenericVector &b, const GenericVector &x) const

Apply boundary condition to a linear system for a nonlinear problem

A (GenericMatrix)
The matrix to apply boundary conditions to.
b (GenericVector)
The vector to apply boundary conditions to.
x (GenericVector)
Another vector (nonlinear problem).
class MultiMeshSubDomain

Parent class(es)