

The documentation on this page was automatically extracted from the DOLFIN C++ code and may need to be edited or expanded.

class MeshDisplacement

Parent class(es)

  • :cpp:class:`Expression


This class encapsulates the CG1 representation of the displacement of a mesh as an Expression. This is particularly useful for the displacement returned by mesh smoothers which can subsequently be used in evaluating forms. The value rank is 1 and the value shape is equal to the geometric dimension of the mesh.

explicit MeshDisplacement(std::shared_ptr<const Mesh> mesh)

Create MeshDisplacement of given mesh

mesh (Mesh)
Mesh to be displacement defined on.
MeshDisplacement(const MeshDisplacement &mesh_displacement)

Copy constructor

mesh_displacement (MeshDisplacement)
Object to be copied.
Function &operator[](const std::size_t i)

Extract subfunction In python available as MeshDisplacement.sub(i)

i (std::size_t)
Index of subfunction.
const Function &operator[](const std::size_t i) const

Extract subfunction. Const version

i (std::size_t)
Index of subfunction.
void eval(Array<double> &values, const Array<double> &x, const ufc::cell &cell) const

Evaluate at given point in given cell.

values (Array <double>)
The values at the point.
x (Array <double>)
The coordinates of the point.
cell (ufc::cell)
The cell which contains the given point.
void compute_vertex_values(std::vector<double> &vertex_values, const Mesh &mesh) const

Compute values at all mesh vertices.

vertex_values (Array <double>)
The values at all vertices.
mesh (Mesh)
The mesh.