

The documentation on this page was automatically extracted from the DOLFIN C++ code and may need to be edited or expanded.

std::shared_ptr<Mesh> adapt(const Mesh &mesh)

Refine mesh uniformly

std::shared_ptr<Mesh> adapt(const Mesh &mesh, const MeshFunction<bool> &cell_markers)

Refine mesh based on cell markers

std::shared_ptr<FunctionSpace> adapt(const FunctionSpace &space)

Refine function space uniformly

std::shared_ptr<FunctionSpace> adapt(const FunctionSpace &space, const MeshFunction<bool> &cell_markers)

Refine function space based on cell markers

std::shared_ptr<FunctionSpace> adapt(const FunctionSpace &space, std::shared_ptr<const Mesh> adapted_mesh)

Refine function space based on refined mesh

std::shared_ptr<Function> adapt(const Function &function, std::shared_ptr<const Mesh> adapted_mesh, bool interpolate = true)

Adapt Function based on adapted mesh

function (Function)
The function that should be adapted
adapted_mesh (Mesh)
The new mesh
interpolate (bool)
Optional argument, default is true. If false, the function’s function space is adapted, but the values are not interpolated.
The adapted function
std::shared_ptr<GenericFunction> adapt(std::shared_ptr<const GenericFunction> function, std::shared_ptr<const Mesh> adapted_mesh)

Refine GenericFunction based on refined mesh

std::shared_ptr<MeshFunction<std::size_t>> adapt(const MeshFunction<std::size_t> &mesh_function, std::shared_ptr<const Mesh> adapted_mesh)

Refine mesh function<std::size_t> based on mesh

std::shared_ptr<DirichletBC> adapt(const DirichletBC &bc, std::shared_ptr<const Mesh> adapted_mesh, const FunctionSpace &S)

Refine Dirichlet bc based on refined mesh

void adapt_markers(std::vector<std::size_t> &refined_markers, const Mesh &adapted_mesh, const std::vector<std::size_t> &markers, const Mesh &mesh)

Helper function for refinement of boundary conditions

std::shared_ptr<Form> adapt(const Form &form, std::shared_ptr<const Mesh> adapted_mesh, bool adapt_coefficients = true)

Adapt form based on adapted mesh

form (Form)
The form that should be adapted
adapted_mesh (Mesh)
The new mesh
adapt_coefficients (bool)
Optional argument, default is true. If false, the form coefficients are not explicitly adapted, but pre-adapted coefficients will be transferred.
The adapted form
std::shared_ptr<LinearVariationalProblem> adapt(const LinearVariationalProblem &problem, std::shared_ptr<const Mesh> adapted_mesh)

Refine linear variational problem based on mesh

std::shared_ptr<NonlinearVariationalProblem> adapt(const NonlinearVariationalProblem &problem, std::shared_ptr<const Mesh> adapted_mesh)

Refine nonlinear variational problem based on mesh

std::shared_ptr<ErrorControl> adapt(const ErrorControl &ec, std::shared_ptr<const Mesh> adapted_mesh, bool adapt_coefficients = true)

Adapt error control object based on adapted mesh

ec (ErrorControl)
The error control object to be adapted
adapted_mesh (Mesh)
The new mesh
adapt_coefficients (bool)
Optional argument, default is true. If false, any form coefficients are not explicitly adapted, but pre-adapted coefficients will be transferred.
The adapted error control object