.. Documentation for the header file dolfin/la/PETScLinearOperator.h .. _programmers_reference_cpp_la_petsclinearoperator: PETScLinearOperator.h ===================== .. note:: The documentation on this page was automatically extracted from the DOLFIN C++ code and may need to be edited or expanded. .. cpp:class:: PETScLinearOperator *Parent class(es)* * :cpp:class:`PETScBaseMatrix` .. cpp:function:: explicit PETScLinearOperator(MPI_Comm comm) Constructor .. cpp:function:: std::size_t size(std::size_t dim) const Return size of given dimension .. cpp:function:: void mult(const GenericVector& x, GenericVector& y) const Compute matrix-vector product y = Ax .. cpp:function:: MPI_Comm mpi_comm() const Return MPI communicator .. cpp:function:: std::string str(bool verbose) const Return informal string representation (pretty-print) .. cpp:function:: const GenericLinearOperator* wrapper() const Return pointer to wrapper (const version) .. cpp:function:: GenericLinearOperator* wrapper() Return pointer to wrapper (const version)