.. Documentation for the header file dolfin/la/LinearAlgebraObject.h .. _programmers_reference_cpp_la_linearalgebraobject: LinearAlgebraObject.h ===================== .. note:: The documentation on this page was automatically extracted from the DOLFIN C++ code and may need to be edited or expanded. .. cpp:class:: LinearAlgebraObject *Parent class(es)* * :cpp:class:`Variable` This is a common base class for all DOLFIN linear algebra objects. In particular, it provides casting mechanisms between different types. .. cpp:function:: const T& down_cast() const Cast object to its derived class, if possible (const version). An error is thrown if the cast is unsuccessful. .. cpp:function:: T& down_cast() Cast object to its derived class, if possible (non-const version). An error is thrown if the cast is unsuccessful. .. cpp:function:: static std::shared_ptr down_cast(std::shared_ptr A) Cast shared pointer object to its derived class, if possible. Caller must check for success (returns null if cast fails). .. cpp:function:: const LinearAlgebraObject* instance() const Return concrete instance / unwrap (const version) .. cpp:function:: LinearAlgebraObject* instance() Return concrete instance / unwrap (non-const version) .. cpp:function:: std::shared_ptr shared_instance() const Return concrete shared ptr instance / unwrap (const version) .. cpp:function:: std::shared_ptr shared_instance() Return concrete shared ptr instance / unwrap (non-const version) .. cpp:function:: MPI_Comm mpi_comm() const = 0 Return MPI communicator .. cpp:function:: Y& as_type(X& x) Cast object to its derived class, if possible (non-const version). An error is thrown if the cast is unsuccessful. .. cpp:function:: std::shared_ptr as_type(std::shared_ptr x) Cast shared pointer object to its derived class, if possible. Caller must check for success (returns null if cast fails). .. cpp:function:: bool has_type(const X& x) Check whether the object matches a specific type