.. Documentation for the header file dolfin/generation/UnitSquareMesh.h .. _programmers_reference_cpp_generation_unitsquaremesh: UnitSquareMesh.h ================ .. note:: The documentation on this page was automatically extracted from the DOLFIN C++ code and may need to be edited or expanded. .. cpp:class:: UnitSquareMesh *Parent class(es)* * :cpp:class:`RectangleMesh` Triangular mesh of the 2D unit square [0,1] x [0,1]. Given the number of cells (nx, ny) in each direction, the total number of triangles will be 2*nx*ny and the total number of vertices will be (nx + 1)*(ny + 1). std::string diagonal ("left", "right", "right/left", "left/right", or "crossed") indicates the direction of the diagonals. .. cpp:function:: UnitSquareMesh(std::size_t nx, std::size_t ny, std::string diagonal="right") Create a uniform finite element :cpp:class:`Mesh` over the unit square [0,1] x [0,1]. *Arguments* nx (std::size_t) Number of cells in horizontal direction. ny (std::size_t) Number of cells in vertical direction. diagonal (std::string) Optional argument: A std::string indicating the direction of the diagonals. *Example* .. code-block:: c++ UnitSquareMesh mesh1(32, 32); UnitSquareMesh mesh2(32, 32, "crossed"); .. cpp:function:: UnitSquareMesh(MPI_Comm comm, std::size_t nx, std::size_t ny, std::string diagonal="right") Create a uniform finite element :cpp:class:`Mesh` over the unit square [0,1] x [0,1]. *Arguments* comm (MPI_Comm) MPI communicator nx (std::size_t) Number of cells in horizontal direction. ny (std::size_t) Number of cells in vertical direction. diagonal (std::string) Optional argument: A std::string indicating the direction of the diagonals. *Example* .. code-block:: c++ UnitSquareMesh mesh1(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 32, 32); UnitSquareMesh mesh2(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 32, 32, "crossed");