.. Documentation for the header file dolfin/common/ArrayView.h .. _programmers_reference_cpp_common_arrayview: ArrayView.h =========== .. note:: The documentation on this page was automatically extracted from the DOLFIN C++ code and may need to be edited or expanded. .. cpp:class:: ArrayView This class provides a wrapper for a pointer to an array. It never owns the data, and will not be valid if the underlying data goes out-of-scope. .. cpp:function:: ArrayView() Constructor .. cpp:function:: ArrayView(std::size_t N, T* x) Construct array from a pointer. Array does not take ownership. .. cpp:function:: explicit ArrayView(V& v) Construct array from a container with the the data() and size() functions .. cpp:function:: ArrayView(const ArrayView& x) Copy constructor .. cpp:function:: void set(std::size_t N, T* x) Update object to point to new data .. cpp:function:: void set(V& v) Update object to point to new container .. cpp:function:: std::size_t size() const Return size of array .. cpp:function:: bool empty() const Test if array view is empty .. cpp:function:: const T& operator[] (std::size_t i) const Access value of given entry (const version) .. cpp:function:: T& operator[] (std::size_t i) Access value of given entry (non-const version) .. cpp:function:: const T* data() const Return pointer to data (const version) .. cpp:function:: T* data() Return pointer to data (non-const version)