
class dolfin.cpp.fem.MultiMeshDirichletBC(*args)

Bases: object

This class is used to set Dirichlet boundary conditions for multimesh function spaces.

Overloaded versions

  • MultiMeshDirichletBC(V, g, sub_domain, method=”topological”, check_midpoint=true)

    Create boundary condition for subdomain

    V (MultiMeshFunctionSpace)

    The function space.

    g (GenericFunction)

    The value.

    sub_domain (SubDomain)

    The subdomain.

    method (str)

    Optional argument: A string specifying the method to identify dofs.

  • MultiMeshDirichletBC(V, g, sub_domain, method=”topological”, check_midpoint=true)

    Create boundary condition for subdomain

    V (MultiMeshFunctionSpace)

    The function space

    g (GenericFunction)

    The value

    sub_domain (SubDomain)

    The subdomain

    method (str)

    Optional argument: A string specifying the method to identify dofs


Overloaded versions

  • apply(A)

    Apply boundary condition to a matrix

    A (GenericMatrix)

    The matrix to apply boundary condition to.

  • apply(b)

    Apply boundary condition to a vector

    b (GenericVector)

    The vector to apply boundary condition to.

  • apply(A, b)

    Apply boundary condition to a linear system

    A (GenericMatrix)

    The matrix to apply boundary condition to.

    b (GenericVector)

    The vector to apply boundary condition to.

  • apply(b, x)

    Apply boundary condition to vectors for a nonlinear problem

    b (GenericVector)

    The vector to apply boundary conditions to.

    x (GenericVector)

    Another vector (nonlinear problem).

  • apply(A, b, x)

    Apply boundary condition to a linear system for a nonlinear problem

    A (GenericMatrix)

    The matrix to apply boundary conditions to.

    b (GenericVector)

    The vector to apply boundary conditions to.

    x (GenericVector)

    Another vector (nonlinear problem).


The membership flag