
class dolfin.cpp.fem.AdaptiveLinearVariationalSolver(*args)

Bases: dolfin.cpp.fem.GenericAdaptiveVariationalSolver

A class for goal-oriented adaptive solution of linear variational problems.

For a linear variational problem of the form: find u in V satisfying

a(u, v) = L(v) for all v in \(\hat V\)

and a corresponding conforming discrete problem: find u_h in V_h satisfying

a(u_h, v) = L(v) for all v in \(\hat V_h\)

and a given goal functional M and tolerance tol, the aim is to find a V_H and a u_H in V_H satisfying the discrete problem such that

|M(u) - M(u_H)| < tol

This strategy is based on dual-weighted residual error estimators designed and automatically generated for the primal problem and subsequent h-adaptivity.

Overloaded versions

  • AdaptiveLinearVariationalSolver(problem, goal)

    Create AdaptiveLinearVariationalSolver

    problem (LinearVariationalProblem)

    The primal problem

    goal (GoalFunctional)

    The goal functional

  • AdaptiveLinearVariationalSolver(problem, goal)

    Create AdaptiveLinearVariationalSolver (shared ptr version)

    problem (LinearVariationalProblem)

    The primal problem

    goal (GoalFunctional)

    The goal functional

  • AdaptiveLinearVariationalSolver(problem, goal, control)

    Create AdaptiveLinearVariationalSolver from variational problem, goal form and error control instance

    problem (LinearVariationalProblem)

    The primal problem

    goal (Form)

    The goal functional

    control (ErrorControl)

    An error controller object


The membership flag