.. Documentation for the header file dolfin/refinement/refine.h .. _programmers_reference_cpp_refinement_refine: refine.h ======== .. note:: The documentation on this page was automatically extracted from the DOLFIN C++ code and may need to be edited or expanded. .. cpp:function:: Mesh refine(const Mesh& mesh, bool redistribute = true) Create uniformly refined mesh *Arguments* mesh (:cpp:class:`Mesh`) The mesh to refine. redistribute (_bool_) Optional argument to redistribiute the refined mesh if mesh is a distributed mesh. *Returns* :cpp:class:`Mesh` The refined mesh. *Example* .. code-block:: c++ mesh = refine(mesh); .. cpp:function:: void refine(Mesh& refined_mesh, const Mesh& mesh, bool redistribute = true) Create uniformly refined mesh *Arguments* refined_mesh (:cpp:class:`Mesh`) The mesh that will be the refined mesh. mesh (:cpp:class:`Mesh`) The original mesh. redistribute (_bool_) Optional argument to redistribiute the refined mesh if mesh is a distributed mesh. .. cpp:function:: Mesh refine(const Mesh& mesh, const MeshFunction& cell_markers, bool redistribute = true) Create locally refined mesh *Arguments* mesh (:cpp:class:`Mesh`) The mesh to refine. cell_markers (:cpp:class:`MeshFunction` ) A mesh function over booleans specifying which cells that should be refined (and which should not). redistribute (_bool_) Optional argument to redistribiute the refined mesh if mesh is a distributed mesh. *Returns* :cpp:class:`Mesh` The locally refined mesh. *Example* .. code-block:: c++ CellFunction cell_markers(mesh); cell_markers.set_all(false); Point origin(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); for (CellIterator cell(mesh); !cell.end(); ++cell) { Point p = cell->midpoint(); if (p.distance(origin) < 0.1) cell_markers[*cell] = true; } mesh = refine(mesh, cell_markers); .. cpp:function:: void refine(Mesh& refined_mesh, const Mesh& mesh, const MeshFunction& cell_markers, bool redistribute = true) Create locally refined mesh *Arguments* refined_mesh (:cpp:class:`Mesh`) The mesh that will be the refined mesh. mesh (:cpp:class:`Mesh`) The original mesh. cell_markers (:cpp:class:`MeshFunction` ) A mesh function over booleans specifying which cells that should be refined (and which should not). redistribute (_bool_) Optional argument to redistribiute the refined mesh if mesh is a distributed mesh.