.. Documentation for the mixed Poisson demo from DOLFIN. .. _demo_pde_mixed-poisson-dual_cpp_documentation: Dual-mixed formulation for Poisson equation ====================================== .. include:: ../common.txt Implementation -------------- The implementation is split in two files, a form file containing the definition of the variational forms expressed in UFL and the solver which is implemented in a C++ file. Running this demo requires the files: :download:`main.cpp`, :download:`MixedPoissonDual.ufl` and :download:`CMakeLists.txt`. UFL form file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ First we define the variational problem in UFL which we save in the file called :download:`MixedPoissonDual.ufl`. We begin by defining the finite element spaces. We define two finite element spaces :math:`\Sigma_h = DRT` and :math:`V_h = CG` separately, before combining these into a mixed finite element space: .. code-block:: python DRT = FiniteElement("DRT", triangle, 2) CG = FiniteElement("CG", triangle, 3) W = DRT * CG The first argument to :py:class:`FiniteElement` specifies the type of finite element family, while the third argument specifies the polynomial degree. The UFL user manual contains a list of all available finite element families and more details. The * operator creates a mixed (product) space ``W`` from the two separate spaces ``DRT`` and ``CG``. Hence, .. math:: W = \{ (\tau, v) \ \text{such that} \ \tau \in DRT, v \in CG \}. Next, we need to specify the trial functions (the unknowns) and the test functions on this space. This can be done as follows .. code-block:: python (sigma, u) = TrialFunctions(W) (tau, v) = TestFunctions(W) Further, we need to specify the sources :math:`f` and :math:`g` (coefficients) that will be used in the linear form of the variational problem. This coefficient needs be defined on a finite element space, but ``CG`` of polynmial degree 3 is not necessary. We therefore define a separate finite element space for these coefficients. .. code-block:: python CG1 = FiniteElement("CG", triangle, 1) f = Coefficient(CG1) g = Coefficient(CG1) Finally, we define the bilinear and linear forms according to the equations: .. code-block:: python a = (dot(sigma, tau) + dot(grad(u), tau) + dot(sigma, grad(v)))*dx L = - f*v*dx - g*v*ds C++ program ^^^^^^^^^^^ The solver is implemented in the :download:`main.cpp` file. At the top we include the DOLFIN header file and the generated header file containing the variational forms. For convenience we also include the DOLFIN namespace. .. code-block:: c++ #include #include "MixedPoissonDual.h" using namespace dolfin; Then follows the definition of the coefficient functions (for :math:`f` and :math:`g`), which are derived from the DOLFIN :cpp:class:`Expression` class. .. code-block:: c++ // Source term (right-hand side) class Source : public Expression { void eval(Array& values, const Array& x) const { double dx = x[0] - 0.5; double dy = x[1] - 0.5; values[0] = 10*exp(-(dx*dx + dy*dy) / 0.02); } }; // Boundary source for Neumann boundary condition class BoundarySource : public Expression { void eval(Array& values, const Array& x) const { values[0] = sin(5.0*x[0]); } }; Then follows the definition of the essential boundary part of the boundary of the domain, which is derived from the :cpp:class:`SubDomain` class. .. code-block:: c++ // Sub domain for Dirichlet boundary condition class DirichletBoundary : public SubDomain { bool inside(const Array& x, bool on_boundary) const { return x[0] < DOLFIN_EPS || x[0] > 1.0 - DOLFIN_EPS; } }; Inside the ``main()`` function we first create the ``mesh`` and then we define the (mixed) function space for the variational formulation. We also define the bilinear form ``a`` and linear form ``L`` relative to this function space. .. code-block:: c++ // Construct function space MixedPoissonDual::FunctionSpace W(mesh); MixedPoissonDual::BilinearForm a(W, W); MixedPoissonDual::LinearForm L(W); Then we create the sources (:math:`f`, :math:`g`) and assign it to the linear form. .. code-block:: c++ // Create sources and assign to L Source f; BoundarySource g; L.f = f; L.g = g; It only remains to prescribe the boundary condition for :math:``u``. Essential boundary conditions are specified through the class :cpp:class:`DirichletBC` which takes three arguments: the function space the boundary condition is supposed to be applied to, the data for the boundary condition, and the relevant part of the boundary. We want to apply the boundary condition to the second subspace of the mixed space. This space can be accessed by the :cpp:class:`Subspace` class. .. code-block:: c++ // Define boundary condition Constant zero(0.0); SubSpace W1(W, 1); DirichletBoundary boundary; DirichletBC bc(W1, zero, boundary); To compute the solution we use the bilinear and linear forms, and the boundary condition, but we also need to create a :cpp:class:`Function` to store the solution(s). The (full) solution will be stored in the :cpp:class:`Function` ``w``, which we initialise using the :cpp:class:`FunctionSpace` ``W``. The actual computation is performed by calling ``solve``. .. code-block:: c++ // Compute solution Function w(W); solve(a == L, w, bc); Now, the separate components ``sigma`` and ``u`` of the solution can be extracted by taking components. These can easily be visualized by calling ``plot``. .. code-block:: c++ // Extract sub functions (function views) Function& sigma = w[0]; Function& u = w[1]; // Plot solutions plot(u); plot(sigma); Complete code ------------- Complete UFL file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. literalinclude:: MixedPoissonDual.ufl :start-after: # Compile :language: python Complete main file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. literalinclude:: main.cpp :start-after: // Last changed :language: c++