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Build distributed mesh from local data on each process

0 votes

I am coding up a parallel algorithm in which each processor has a copy of a mesh. Each processor then identifies a subset of the cells in this coarse mesh as its 'home domain.' The home domains are distinct and cover the whole coarse mesh. Each processor then adaptively solves on its local mesh, refining in and around its home domain.
After all of this, I want to construct a new distributed mesh made up of the refined home domains of each processor. So this new mesh should be globally finely meshed, and each processor will own the cells that comprise their home domain.
Is there a nice way to do this? I've thought about trying to use a MeshEditor or somehow leveraging the build_distributed_mesh() function, but I'm not sure either of these are really tailored to my exact purpose.

asked Feb 2, 2016 by wayne.b.mitchell FEniCS Novice (160 points)