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Make a simulation executable on windows

0 votes

Hi guys,

is there a way to make a fenics simulation executable on windows?
My program works on ubuntu, but it doesnt work on windows because fenics isnt supported there. So my idea was to make a gui using Tkinter where I can set a few parameters and then convert the compiled .py file to an .exe file.
The only ways I found in the internet needed wine to run py2exe, which I guess wont work.

Any ideas?

asked Oct 8, 2015 by MaxMeier FEniCS Novice (850 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

The easiest way is to run fenics in a container of some sort, such as docker.

answered Oct 8, 2015 by chris_richardson FEniCS Expert (31,740 points)
selected Oct 12, 2015 by MaxMeier