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dolfin-convert returns error: "Unable to find cells of supported type."

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I tried to use a mesh generated by gmsh in FEniCS, following the first tutorial on their website. Running

gmsh -2 t1.geo

on the command line works fine and results in a correct looking t1.msh file. However, when I try to run

dolfin-convert t1.msh t1.xml

It returns the following error:

Converting from Gmsh format (.msh, .gmsh) to DOLFIN XML format
*** Unable to find cells of supported type.

My FEniCS version was compiled for CentOS 6 and installed using conda, if that is any clue?

asked Jul 1, 2015 by maartent FEniCS User (3,910 points)

What version of FEniCS are you using? Your example works with version 1.5.0, 1.6.0dev without any problems.

I am using FEniCS 1.4.0, installed following the description here for CentOS 6:

conda install "fenics=1.4.0" mkl --channel

Some (non-essential) dependencies are missing here, for example CGAL, so I cannot use functions like CircleMesh(). I am not sure if CGAL or anything else is required for dolfin-convert though.

I also tried at home, using the default 1.5.0 from the ubuntu repository, and no problems there.

Strange. l now checked the example on with 1.4.0 version of FEniCS and there is no issue. Maybe the problem is somewhere else - what version of GMSH are you running? I am on 2.8.5.

Aargh! I downloaded the newest GMSH version (2.9.3) but forgot to add the corresponding folder to my PATH variable. Apparently there was an old version (1.63.2) lingering around on the system here, so I did not notice I had been using that one. Problem solved, thanks and sorry to bother you for this.
