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surface gradient of a Function

0 votes

I would like to compute surface gradient of a function u over a surface mesh (e.g. spherical surface) embedded in 3D:
surface_grad = (nabla_grad(u) - dot(nabla_grad(u), n)*n) *ds
where n is a unit normal to the surface. Any helps are appreciated.
I am using FEniCS 1.3.0 C++ version.

asked Jun 28, 2015 by dang.1032170 FEniCS Novice (180 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

You may want to check the article by Marie Rognes et al. which explains quite explicitly how to implement this in Fenics. If you want to derive the orientation from the mesh data (instead of prescriping an explicit normal field) see also this post.

answered Jul 1, 2015 by konstantin FEniCS Novice (900 points)
edited Jul 2, 2015 by konstantin