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Default solve function outperforms solve from KrylovSolver instance

+3 votes

Hi everybody,
I am experiencing this curious behavior: given a matrix A and two vectors x and b, solving by

dolfin::solve (A,x,b,"gmres","petsc_amg");

is better than solving by

PETScKrylovSolver s("gmres","petsc_amg");

The first solution method takes fewer iterations to converge.

I don't touch the parameters of my instance s and, as far as I can tell from reading through the source code, dolfin::solve simply ends up instantiating a new KrylovSolver with default parameters.

Can anybody help me understand what changes between the two approaches? I would like to use the second, which is preferable, but with the performances of the first.

Thanks in advance!

asked Mar 25, 2015 by Massimiliano Leoni FEniCS User (1,760 points)