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Contour plot of SLEPcEigenSolver eigenvector solution

0 votes

In order to do a mode analysis on step-index fibers and later PCFs I wanted to check rectangular waveguides to see that everything is working. For a rectangular waveguide I found several code snippets, but I cannot get the final contour plotting of the fundamental mode to work. I assign the eigenvector to my combined function space but I am wondering how I can access the vector components maybe even outside of dolfin with some standard python routines.

A running example is:

from dolfin import *

parameters["linear_algebra_backend"] = "PETSc"

mesh used for the rectangular hollow guides

a = 1.0
b = 0.5 create a rectangular mesh with origin (0,0) extending to (a,b) with 8 edges along the long side and 4 elements along the short side mesh = RectangleMesh(0, 0, a, b, 8, 4) e_r = 1.0
u_r = 1.0 vector_order = 2
nodal_order = 2 define the functions spaces V = FunctionSpace (mesh, "Nedelec 1st kind H(curl)", vector_order)
Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", nodal_order)
W = V * Q define the test and trial functions from the combined space here N_v and N_u# are Nedelec basis functions and L_v and L_u are Lagrange basis functions (N_i, L_i) = TestFunctions(W)
(N_j, L_j) = TrialFunctions(W) define the forms (matrix elements) for cutoff analysis for the basis functio# s def curl_t(w):
return Dx(w[1],0) - Dx(w[0],1) s_tt_ij = 1.0/u_r * dot (curl_t(N_i), curl_t(N_j))
t_tt_ij = e_r * dot (N_i, N_j)
s_zz_ij = 1.0/u_r* dot (grad(L_i), grad(L_j))
t_zz_ij = e_r * L_i * L_j post-multiplication by dx will result in integration over the domain of the mesh at assembly time s_ij = (s_tt_ij + s_zz_ij) * dx
t_ij = (t_tt_ij + t_zz_ij) * dx assemble the system matrices. DOLFIN automatically evaluates each of the forms for all the relevant test and trial function combinations ie. all possible v alues of i and j S = PETScMatrix()
T = PETScMatrix()
assemble (s_ij, tensor=S)
assemble (t_ij, tensor=T) define the subdomains with BC class PECWall(SubDomain):
def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
return on_boundary; electric_wall = DirichletBC(W, Expression (("0.0", "0.0", "0.0") ) , PECWall()) apply the BC to assembled matrices for the cutoff problem: electric_wall.apply(S)
electric_wall.apply(T) esolver = SLEPcEigenSolver(S,T)
esolver.parameters["spectrum"] = "smallest real"
esolver.parameters["solver"] = "lapack"
esolver.solve() cutoff = None
print S.size(1)
for i in range(S.size(1)):
(lr,lc,vr,vc) = esolver.get_eigenpair(i)
if lr > 1 and lc == 0:
cutoff = sqrt(lr)
break if cutoff is None:
print "Unable to find dominant mode"
print "Cutoff frequency: ", cutoff f = Function(W, vr)
(transverse,axial) = f.split()
print axial
plot(transverse) plot(axial)
asked Dec 16, 2014 by Steffen Wittek FEniCS Novice (210 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Take a look at the demo in demo/documented/eigenvalue. Write the eigenvector 'function' to a PVD or XDMF file and use ParaView to open it.

answered Dec 17, 2014 by Garth N. Wells FEniCS Expert (35,930 points)

I wrote the eigenvector 'function' u (as in the to a pvd file, but that file an the associated vtu are empty.


u = Function(V)
u.vector()[:] = rx

I added

file = File('eigenvalue.pvd')
file << u

Any idea what I am doing wrong here?

Post the shortest possible (but complete) code that leads to an 'empty' pvd file.

based on the

from dolfin import *
# Test for PETSc and SLEPc
if not has_linear_algebra_backend("PETSc"):
    print "DOLFIN has not been configured with PETSc. Exiting."

if not has_slepc():
    print "DOLFIN has not been configured with SLEPc. Exiting."

# Define mesh, function space
mesh = Mesh("box_with_dent.xml.gz")
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 1)

# Define basis and bilinear form
u = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)
a = dot(grad(u), grad(v))*dx

# Assemble stiffness form
A = PETScMatrix()
assemble(a, tensor=A)

# Create eigensolver
eigensolver = SLEPcEigenSolver(A)

# Compute all eigenvalues of A x = \lambda x
print "Computing eigenvalues. This can take a minute."

# Extract largest (first) eigenpair
r, c, rx, cx = eigensolver.get_eigenpair(0)

print "Largest eigenvalue: ", r

# Initialize function and assign eigenvector
u = Function(V)
u.vector()[:] = rx

file = File('eigenvalue.pvd')
file << u 