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Meaning of form compiler options, viz: epsilon

+1 vote

What is the meaning of the 'epsilon' entry in the form_compiler parameters?

parameters["form_compiler"]["epsilon"] = ??

Moreover, is there is a listing of the parameters and their meanings? Some are self explanatory but some (epsilon, form_postfix, split, restrict_keyword) are unclear (to my "FEniCS User" level of experience anyway)


asked Oct 16, 2014 by mwelland FEniCS User (8,410 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Some options, e.g. split, are explained in

man ffc

epsilon is used in code generation to define how small values should be considered zero for tables of precomputed values. The other listed options are nothing to worry about.

answered Oct 23, 2014 by martinal FEniCS User (2,800 points)
selected Oct 23, 2014 by mwelland