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Nedelec interpolation

+1 vote

I'm trying to define a matrix $P$ that represents the nodal interpolation operator $\prod_h^{\mbox{curl}}: Q_h^3 \rightarrow V_h$. Here $Q_h$ and $V_h$ are the nodal and Nedelec finite element spaces respectively. The operator $\prod_h^{\mbox{curl}}$ is based on path intergrals along edges; for a finite element function $w_h \in Q_h^3$ is given by
$$\prod_h^{\mbox{curl}} w_h = \sum_j \big( \int_{e_j} w_j \cdot d\vec{s} \big) \psi_j,$$
where $e_j$ is the interior edge associated with the basis function $\psi_j$.

asked Sep 1, 2014 by mwathen FEniCS Novice (710 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes

I had exactly the same problem before. Here are some my solutions.
In 2D, UFL has enough expressiveness to achieve it. The following is due to Douglas Arnold:

# Canonical interpolant onto N1e1
def Pih(u0, mesh):
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'N1curl', r)
    u = TrialFunction(V)
    if r == 1:
        W = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'N1curl', 1)
        v0 = TestFunction(W)
        V0 = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'N1curl', r, restriction='facet')
        V1 = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', r-2)
        W = MixedFunctionSpace([V0, V1])    
        v0, v1 = TestFunctions(W)
    # Define the tangent to element facets (edges)
    n = FacetNormal(mesh)
    t = as_vector((-n[1], n[0]))
    # Define the bilinear form
    #  A(u, (v0, v1)) = int_Gamma u.t v0.t ds + int u.v1 dx
    # where the first integral is over all the edges of the mesh, and the second
    # over the domain.  v0 is in the N2curl space with all non-edge DOFs set to zero
    # so v0 -> v0.t is an isomorphism onto DG_{r-1} on the edges.  v1 is a vector DG
    A = (inner(u, t) * inner(v0, t))('+') * dS  +  inner(u, t) * inner(v0, t) * ds
    # Define the right hand side, L(v0, v1) = A(u0, (v0, v1))
    L = (inner(u0, t) * inner(v0, t))('+') * dS  +  inner(u0, t) * inner(v0, t) * ds
    if r > 1:
        A = A + inner(u, v1) * dx
        L = L + inner(u0, v1) * dx
    # Solve the resulting linear system for u = Pih(u0)
    u = Function(V)
    solve(A == L, u)
    return u

In 3D, the above does not work because UFL does not have the expression for edge integrals in 3D. I wrote the following code computating the canonical interpolant by hand (does not work in parallel, only for the lowest order):

from dolfin import *
from FIAT import *
import numpy

def tangential_edge_integral(mesh, f, quad_degree):
    This function uses quadrature to compute the average of
    of the dot product  f.t  on each edge of the given mesh.
    Here f is a given vector valued function and t is the vector
    pointing from the first to the second vertex of the edge.
    The returned value is a numpy array edge_int where 
        edge_int[edge.index()] = avg of f.t on that edge
    # Reference interval
    L = reference_element.DefaultLine()
    # Coordinates for the reference interval
    x = numpy.array(L.get_vertices())
    # Make quadrature rule on the line
    Q = make_quadrature(L, quad_degree)
    # Quadrature points
    qp = Q.get_points()
    # Quadrature weights
    qw = Q.get_weights()
    # Get mesh vertex coordinates
    coor = mesh.coordinates()
    # Create an array to save the result
    edge_int = numpy.zeros(mesh.num_edges())
    # Integrate over all the edges
    for e in edges(mesh):
        # Extract end points of the edge
        end_pts = e.entities(0)
        y = numpy.vstack([coor[end_pts[0]], coor[end_pts[1]]])
        # Compute the tangent.  Following the FEniCS convention this
        # is the vector pointing from the first to the end point
        # of the edge.
        t = y[1] - y[0]
        # Make the affine map from the reference line 
        (A, b) = reference_element.make_affine_mapping(x, y)
        # Quadrature points on the physical edge
        phys_qp = map(lambda x:, qp)
        # Evaluate f.t at quadrature points
        vals = map(lambda x:, phys_qp)
        # Approximate average of f.t on the edge using the quadrature rule 
        edge_int[e.index()] =
    return edge_int

def build_edge2dof_map(V):
    This function takes a N1Curl(1) space and return an integer valued array edge2dof.
    This array has the number of edges as its length. In particular
        edge2dof[i] = j
    means that dof #i, that is u.vector()[i], is associated to edge #j.
    # Extract the cell to edge map (given an cell index, it returns the indices of its edges)
    cell2edges = V.mesh().topology()(3, 1)
    # Extract the cell dofmap (given a cell index, it returns the dof numbers) 
    cell2dofs = V.dofmap().cell_dofs
    # Array to save the result
    edge2dof = numpy.zeros(mesh.num_edges(), dtype="int")
    # Iterate over cells, associating the edges to the dofs for that cell
    for c in range(mesh.num_cells()):
        # get the global edge numbers for this cell
        c_edges = cell2edges(c)
        # get the global dof numbers for this cell
        c_dofs = cell2dofs(c)
        # associate the edge numbers to the corresponding dof numbers
        edge2dof[c_dofs] = c_edges
    # This algorithm might not look fast as it does quite some redundant work. In actual
    # runs, for most meshes, this is not the most time consuming step and does not take
    # more than a milisecond.
    return edge2dof

def n1curl_1_canonical_projection(f, mesh, quad_degree):
    # Initialize the mesh
    # Compute the average edge integrals
    edge_int = tangential_edge_integral(mesh, f, quad_degree)
    # Create the return value
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "N1curl", 1)
    u = Function(V)
    # Permute the average edge integrals to match the order of the dofs.
    u.vector()[:] = edge_int.take(build_edge2dof_map(V))
    return u

f = Expression(("1.0 - x[1] + 2*x[2]", "3.0 + x[0] + 3*x[2]", "2.0 - 2*x[0] - 3*x[1]"))
domain = Box(0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 1.)
n = 8; mesh = Mesh(domain, n)
quad_degree = 2
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "N1curl", 1)
u = n1curl_1_canonical_projection(f, mesh, quad_degree)
v = interpolate(f, V)


It should be easy to use the above code to assemble the matrix you want by hand (not efficient though).

answered Sep 2, 2014 by lzlarryli FEniCS Novice (820 points)

Could you please tell me how to impliment the boundary condition, which if the problem's boundary condition is A in H0(curl)?

I can do Dirichlet boundary condition, Neumann boundary condition, Robin boundary condition, but not H0(curl).

I will appreciate your any help. Thanks!!!

I cannot understand the question:
1. if you are doing interpolation, then the canonical interpolant is in H0(curl) as long as the function being interpolated is there.
2. if you are not doing interpolation, when you apply DirichletBC to the Nedelec space, you get H0(curl) already. DirichletBC simply sets the DOFs considered boundary.
I hope this helps~
