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Correct usage for deprecated features

+4 votes

I got this warning:

*** Warning: Parameters *_domains of assemble has been deprecated in DOLFIN version 1.4.0.
*** It will be removed from version 1.6.0.
*** Parameter *_domains of assemble will be removed. Include this in the ufl form instead.
*** ----------------------

My general question: Is there a place/source where the correct usage of these features is tabulated ? The documentation and tutorials online obviously cannot keep pace with the changes.

asked Aug 26, 2014 by shriram FEniCS User (1,540 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer
answered Aug 26, 2014 by cevito FEniCS User (5,550 points)
selected Aug 26, 2014 by shriram

So the only place where the deprecated changes are explained will be the mailing lists ? Are the demo programs that come with the installation updated ?

All major changes from one release to the next are summarized in the Changelog files of dolfin/ufl/ffc/...

All the demos and unit tests are of course updated and have to work for a release to happen. Even some examples of the book, which are contained in the dolfin source code are updated.

The demos shown on the homepage are generally those from the last stable release (as of this writing v1.4.0 and work with this release) and should work with that release, but might fail on the current development branch or older versions.

The only thing which is not updated is obviously the fenics book itself.
