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Assign MeshFunction/MeshValueCollection to MeshDomain

+2 votes

I'm using the Dolfin C++ interface.
I would like to store in a Mesh some information related to facet/cell markers, in such a way that when I do

File mesh_file ("my_mesh.xml");
mesh_file << mesh;

also the information about markers is saved.

I've seen that one of the suggested possibility is to use the
Is this the right way of doing it?
If it is the case, how can I assign values to ??
At the moment I'm storing information in a MeshFunction/MeshValueCollection and I would like to assign it to dim);

A very simple example is:

int main()
  using namespace dolfin;
  UnitSquareMesh mesh(4,4);
  MeshFunction<uint> sub_domains(mesh, 2);
  for (CellIterator cell(mesh); !cell.end(); ++cell)
      Point p = (*cell).midpoint();
      if (p.x() > 0.5)
    sub_domains[*cell] = 1;
  MeshValueCollection<uint> my_sub_domains ;
  my_sub_domains =  sub_domains;

  //how can I do something like = my_sub_domains;

  File mesh_file ("my_mesh.xml");
  mesh_file << mesh;




asked Jun 18, 2013 by gedeone FEniCS User (1,110 points)
edited Jun 18, 2013 by Garth N. Wells

2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer

In DOLFIN version 1.2 you should be able to just do: = sub_domains;

as what is returned by MeshDomains::markers is a MeshValueCollection.

In the development version you need to set them manually, at least at the moment. Something like:

for (CellIterator cell(mesh); !cell.end(); ++cell)
  Point p = (*cell).midpoint();
  if (p.x() > 0.5)[cell.index()] = 1;
answered Jun 18, 2013 by johanhake FEniCS Expert (22,480 points)
selected Jun 19, 2013 by Jan Blechta

Thanks for your answer.
I'm using version 1.2.0 and so the operator [ ] is not available.
As you suggested, code works with
*( = my_sub_domains;

+1 vote

You can probably avoid assigning markers to You can handle IO with these

void operator>> (Mesh& input);
void operator<< (const Mesh& output);

void operator>> (MeshFunction<std::size_t>& input)
void operator<< (const MeshFunction<std::size_t>& output)

void operator>> (MeshValueCollection<std::size_t>& input)
void operator<< (const MeshValueCollection<std::size_t>& output)

You simply need to save Mesh and MeshFunction to separate XML file.

answered Jun 18, 2013 by Jan Blechta FEniCS Expert (51,420 points)

I would like to keep them together.
I've seen that the meshes available on your website which are provided with boundary markers (like Calcium and Aneurysm) are just one single file, and I would like to do the same.
