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Ipython: cannot close a dolfin plot

0 votes

The following script launched in an Ipython shell works as intended but I cannot close the plot afterwards. How to do this?

import dolfin

ymesh = dolfin.IntervalMesh(10, 0, 1)
Y = dolfin.FunctionSpace(ymesh, 'CG', 1)

ystar = dolfin.Expression('x[0]*x[0]')

dolfin.plot(ystar, ymesh)


I have Ipython version 0.13.2, and dolfin 1.2.0+ on Ubuntu 13.04.

asked Nov 9, 2013 by Jan FEniCS User (8,290 points)
edited Nov 19, 2013 by Jan

Can't reproduce with yesterday's DOLFIN, IPython 0.12.1 running on Ubuntu 12.04.3 tunneled via SSH to Lubuntu 13.04.

Too bad, I have the same problem with IPython 0.12.1 and dolfin 1.2.0 on SUSE Linux.

Can't reproduce the issue with IPython 0.13.2, Dolfin 1.2.0+ on Ubuntu 13.10.

Thanks for testing. It seems like it affects only me...

Yeah, window issues are pretty much system-dependent (see for exmaple) so there is a little chance that somebody fixes it.

I see. That is really too specific. If you make your last comment an answer, I will accept it.

This would not be a proper answer:) I give a chance to someone else.

Reproduced here: latest IPython (2.x) and FEniCS (1.5.0) in Arch Linux with Python 2.7

Please note, that closing windows works only when DOLFIN is compiled with Qt.
