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Multicore parallelism

0 votes

Dear all,

I've read some questions & answers about parallelism, such as this, or another one.

What I'd like to avoid is using MPI, so I'm stuck with my non-MPI code. All those Q&As mention MPI, so they're not really useful to me, as far as I can see.

Is there some way I can exploit multicore parallelism in Fenics?

Basically I need to assemble a linear system and solve it, possibly with many RHSs (no answers on that question, though).

Any hints are more than welcome!


asked May 23, 2016 by senseiwa FEniCS User (2,620 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Why not use MPI? It will give you multicore parallelism. Just use MPI_COMM_SELF, if you want to run each solve independently.

answered May 23, 2016 by chris_richardson FEniCS Expert (31,740 points)

Right now my code isn't MPI compatible, as I am planning to shift towards MPI.

However I'd like to use multicore systems without MPI, just because I can :)
