
University of Oxford, 21-23 March 2018

The 2018 FEniCS Conference took place in lecture room L3 of the University of Oxford Mathematical Institute on 21-23 March 2018.


The FEniCS’18 conference is an opportunity for all those interested in the FEniCS Project and related projects to exchange ideas, communicate their results and network with the automated scientific computing community. We welcome developers, existing and potential users of the FEniCS ecosystem as well as mathematicians, computer scientists and application domain specialists interested in numerical methods, their implementation and applications.

The FEniCS’18 conference will emphasise an open and inclusive atmosphere, contributed talks from a diverse range of scientific areas, and dedicated time for discussions and coding.

Important dates


The schedule is available on easychair. Abstract submission is now closed.


Conference Venue

The conference will be held at the Andrew Wiles Building, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 6GG, UK.

The Andrew Wiles Building, opened in 2013, is located on the north side of the city centre. It lies within walking distance of all accommodation in central Oxford, and within a short bus or bicycle ride of most accommodation in the city.

The conference dinner will be held in Oriel College, Oriel Square, Oxford OX1 4EW, UK.

Oriel college was the fifth to be founded in Oxford, in 1326. It is located in the city centre, just off the High Street.

Getting to Oxford

Here are the main options.

If you have more time

Oxford is a beautiful city, and is well worth seeing for a few days before or after the conference. If you have more time, you could visit the following nearby attractions:

Travel awards

NAG and NumFOCUS have kindly offered to support travel awards for attendees who would otherwise struggle to come to the conference for financial reasons, e.g. junior students and researchers or those working in countries with a less developed research infrastructure. Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit a poster or talk abstract to the conference as well.

To apply for a travel award, send an email explaining the situation to patrick.farrell@maths.ox.ac.uk. The cut-off date for applications was December 21 2017.

Local organising committee


FEniCS’18 is supported by the University of Oxford, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, NumFOCUS and NAG Ltd.

University of Oxford